GOLD AWARD A Design Award 2013-2014 Description : The inspiration of this ring comes from “trompe l’oeil”, the art of showing something with a trick or cheating to the eyes of viewer, to make an optical illusion, this Technique used to show patterns of the ring as well as the gold sphere. This is a […]
GOLD AWARD A Design Award 2012-2013 Description : The idea and inspiration of this design comes from the “Red ribbon” known as the symbol of the struggle for empathy, sympathy and solidarity with the Patients with AIDS. I designed this symbol as a jewelry pendant, with w message to all people around the world with […]
SILVER AWARD A Design Award 2015-2016 Description : Just like the world and Nature, everything in the world are interwoven to one another! they united to each other to make a world a place to live! this ring represent the world as one. The singe lines interwoven to each other to make a strong and […]